Project Brief Description
DollarCoffee utilizes innovative advertising methods to provide coffee at the cheapest market price for students on their budgets. They make coffee more accessible to students and support those who study hard to pursue their dreams. DollarCoffee's tagline is ‘$1 for Productivity’. Their approach will be to start the business on universities’ campuses in California and then, expand to the world in order to help coffee lovers worldwide.
Presentation Slideshow

Student Interview
DollarCoffee was recognized as the "Most Innovative Business Model" by Tyler Mincey. Mincey is the Co-Founder and General Partner of Baukunst, a venture capital investment firm. The award was presented to the team that "re-invented how their company creates and captures value in novel ways." Given Mincey's background, the award carries a lot of merit proving how imaginative DollarCoffee is!